Annual General Meeting
The 75th Annual General Meeting of Southwick Community Association will be held on 26 June, at the Community Centre, at 7.45pm. Refreshments will be available before the start of the meeting.
The AGM is open to anyone who is an individual member of the Association or who belongs to one of our member organisations.
Documents for the meeting can be viewed and downloaded from here:
- the agenda for the meeting
- the Association’s Annual Report for 2022-23
- the Association’s accounts for 2022-23 (in draft form until they are independently examined) to follow
Some background documents about the Association are also available from here:
- a note on the volunteer management of the Association, with a summary chart of how things work
- the Association’s constitution
Consultative Forum. Once the the formal business of the AGM is finished, the meeting carries on in the shape of the Association’s Forum. This is the opportunity for more informal feedback and discussion about the running of the Community Centre – as well as plans and ideas for the future.
Here’s a couple of important topics expected to feature at the Forum:
- The challenges ahead as we continue to rebuild after the pandemic – and reach a wider public.
- Priorities for improvements to the Centre; the way it’s run; and what it can offer to the community.
Southwick Community CentreThank You, Community
Join us at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to participate in important discussions, and be a part of shaping the future of Southwick Community Centre.
Quick links to the information
Highlights of the Southwick Community Centre